H1 96px Add Your Heading

H2 60px Add Your Heading

H3 48px Add Your Heading

H4 34px Add Your Heading

H5 24px Add Your Heading

H6 20px Add Your Heading

(Body Text 16px) = Same text, good line spacing, different line lengths. When reading the second and third example, we can feel our eyes tiring as they go from the left to the right size of the screen. With the first one, that isn’t the case. Same text, good line spacing, different line lengths. When reading the second and third example, we can feel our eyes tiring as they go from the left to the right size of the screen. With the first one, that isn’t the case.

(Body Text 14px) = Same text, good line spacing, different line lengths. When reading the second and third example, we can feel our eyes tiring as they go from the left to the right size of the screen. With the first one, that isn’t the case. Same text, good line spacing, different line lengths. When reading the second and third example, we can feel our eyes tiring as they go from the left to the right size of the screen. With the first one, that isn’t the case.

Subtitle 16px

Subtitle 14px